- 24 years
of experience
- +50
long-term customers
in Poland and abroad - 46
specific products
- 41
completed projects
- +5000 t
recycled wastes
We offer wide portfolio of ultimate chemicals to process steel in hot dip galvanizing process. We continuously look for and implement new technologies to enhance production quality and efficiency in hot dip galvanizing faci- lities. We solve environmental protection issues, including industrial waste recycling. We optimize consumption of energy carriers and zinc in the process.
For over twenty years we have supported development and implementation of the best world standards in the Polish galvanizing sector. Our customers may rely not only on receiving top quality materials and products but also on comprehensive support in optimizing hot dip galvanizing process in their facilities.
We start cooperation from identification of real needs of our Partner. For this purpose we carry out extensive analysis based on the information provided by the customer, and thanks to it we can offer the most suitable solutions.
At this stage we select specific actions to implement in order to optimize as much as possible the galvanizing processes running at our Partner. The result of these activities is a time schedule of works necessary to perform.
At this stage the planned and scheduled tasks are implemented. The implementation comprises, among the other things, mounting the necessary equipment, training the staff to operate the equipment and installing all necessary accessories. At this stage we implement also changes and modifications in the production process.
The last stage extended over the entire period of our partnership comprises sup- plying our Partner with raw materials and products necessary to carry our proper process of hot dip galvanizing in accordance with the new recommendations. This stage includes also advisory services and support in future modernizations.
We offer You over 20-year-experience in the sector.
We support development of Your business solutions.
We offer materials and products of the best purity and quality.
We cooperate with the leading world manufacturers.
We develop tailor-made solutions, which perfectly fulfil Your needs.
We take care to keep the best standards of environment protection.

- reduce energy consumption
- reduce raw material consumption
- reduce waste output
- reduce zinc consumption
- enhance product attractiveness